'Tis the Season

It feels like I've been going non-stop for the past few weeks.

I just now got around to wrapping my first Christmas presents tonight. In my head, I envisioned a pleasant evening spent drinking wine, wrapping gifts, and listening to Christmas music. In reality, I quickly wrapped presents while an electrician was working in our house and Otis was eating my wrapping paper. There was no wine at the house (huge letdown) and I ate a frozen dinner while standing by the sink in the kitchen. Welcome to my life! :-)

Brian has his pool league playoffs tonight.

Anyways, I've sadly had to cut back on the blogging since I've been so busy, but I decided tonight that I could tackle a few small blog posts at a time. For the rest of the week, I'm going to just post small updates.

A new light in the kitchen was installed today. Brian and I picked out this lighting fixture together and it was a miracle that we both agreed!

You can't see this in the picture, but it hangs by a chain, which adds to its rustic feel.

My favorite feature about the new light is the EDISON BULB! I think these are pretty popular now from what I've seen in the blogging world, and I've also seen similar bulbs in Pottery Barn.

In order to get this next picture, I had to snap the picture as I turned off the light, otherwise it just looked like one huge glow.

Hope everyone is having a great week! More updates tomorrow!
