Sermon Note #5

Sermon Note: Bitterness equals anger multiplied by time. 

Hebrews 12:15
"...a root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled."

When I think about bitterness, I'm reminded of a short story I once read in one of my son's books.  The story was called "A Heavy Load" and it went like this:

Two traveling monks reached a town where a woman was waiting to cross the road.  The rains had made deep puddles and the woman couldn't get across without ruining her silken robe.  She stood there, looking angry and impatient. 

The younger monk noticed the woman, said nothing, and walked by.  The older monk noticed the woman, picked her up, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other side.  She didn't thank the older monk; she shoved him out of the way and departed.

As they continued on their way, the younger monk was brooding and preoccupied.  After several hours, unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. "That woman back there was so selfish and rude, but you picked her up on your back and you carried her!  She didn't even say thank you!"

"I sat the woman down hours ago," the older monk replied. "Why are you still carrying her?"  

Bitterness is always a heavy load. May I heed God's warning to not let it take root and trust that I can cast my cares upon Him.
